Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Droid and Verizon Predictions

Ok, so I've been watching all the rumor mills (pretty much any I can find) for new information, reading long threads on forums about what people know (and don't know!). Well, I have a few thoughts that I don't feel like adding anywhere else, but still want to have them written down. So, here are my suspicions for what Verizon MIGHT be up to in the next week and half or so.

#1, in the code for the website, it shows the flash file as being phase1. I think this upcoming weekend will start phase2 and we'll see a new commercial come out, or else phase 2 is

#2 there is going to be a press conference next Wednesday (been confirmed from mulitple sources). So, this might be phase 2, introducing people to the phone. People are hoping it's going to go on sale and while I've read that Verizon has a habit of announcing a new phone at the same time it becomes available, I don't think it's going to be available this date. But then again, maybe the R2D2s sent out was phase two and the conference will be phase 3. Me, I'm still hoping for a new commercial :) But probably not.

#3 I'm really not sure if the phone will be available for telesales on the 30th like everyone is speculating, but I want to try the phone out in person before I buy it anyway, so that point is mute. I'm going to have to wait until November to get a new phone, possibly until Christmas as well, depending on what we decide to do.

#4 I think it's possible Verizon will be pulling out a new pricing scheme. Why do you ask? And why has no one else heard or said anything about it? Maybe verizon has been really good at not leaking anything. But everyone's #1 complaint about verizon it seems is their prices, and t-mobile as well as sprint have both recently done new pricing plans. So, it's possible verizon will follow suit.

#5 I'm hoping they will introduce a data family plan that has the plan for the smartphones included in it because if we really like this phone, then D may want one too, but an extra $60 a month to have 2 smartphones on the account? We're having hard time right now deciding if an extra $30 is worth it!

#6 Which adds to my next worry, what if all they do is change their pricing plan so that an android smart phone requires an add-on data plan that is more than the $30 smartphone add-on they have right now? I hope not, it would be a deal breaker for me. But I don't think this is as big a worry to me simply because I think they might be trying to draw more of a crowd to smartphones and upping the price will turn people off instead of drawing them in.

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