Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So Thankful for Smoke Alarms!

So, this morning I put on some water to boil to make some hot cocoa. Well, then the girls woke up and I went in the other room and completely forgot about it! Oh no!

So, the smoke alarms just start going off and I'm about ready to freak out! But I feel I need to check in the kitchen so I peek into the kitchen and there's a fire underneath the burner for the water! All that needed to be done was for me to take the thing off the burner and blow the fire out! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

There wasn't any damage to anything, the burner definitely needs clean but otherwise it's all good! I'm just so grateful it wasn't worse and I know it could have been without Smoke Alarms because who knows how long it would have taken me to think about it!

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