Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cleaning and Kids Responsibilities

I've found when it comes to cleaning around the house that when I have it in my head to get a specific chore done, I can't stand to let the girls help me. I just don't have the patience to deal with little kids' "help". Though, Charity LOVES to help around the house, she LOVES it. BUT it has to be something she wants to do

I came across this blog the other day called Mother of All Jobs that talked about a fun way to do chores and to get the whole family involved. I tried this out with the girls and they LOVE it! They actually ASK if they can play the cleaning game. Of course, now that is a reward for the cleaning game, I think they're really asking to play that and just have to wait until they draw it :) LOL, except that today in playing they didn't mention it once! Because the girls are younger, whenever one pulls a Reward, I let both do the reward, except for, only the one who pulled the reward gets to play while the other gets to watch and they each only get that one once. Today when Danielle pulled out Get a Treat, Charity had pulled out Do the Dishes. I let Charity choose if she wanted to get a treat or to do the dishes, and guess which one she chose? Do the dishes. Seriously! That's my little girl.

Here are some other links to Games you can do to help make Chores for your family fun:

So many fun ways to get the entire family involved with doing chores! We also have a chore chart where they have chores they are responsible for every day such as make their beds and brush their teeth and help with dishes and once they earn enough stickers on that chart they get a reward. All in all, this system is seeming to work wonders for us! And I'm able to change my mindset and let them help!

1 comment:

London Cleaners said...

Team work at home is great. I love it when my kids agree to help me in the housework. We have a lot of fun.
It is great. :)