I know this is last minute and a little late for some but I'm still undecided and decided to compile a list of everyone and their stance on the issues to compare side by side. I figured I'd share, so here you go! I should have done this weeks ago!
It was really hard to find any specific issues addressed on McKinney's site so here's a link to the manifesto that is posted.
I hope this helps any of you out there who are still trying to decide! Here's a link that might also be handy to look through.
Barr/Root - States should be free to decide. more here
Nader/Gonzalez - couldn't find a statement
Baldwin/Castle - couldn't find a statment
Obama/Biden - couldn't find a statment
McCain/Palin - believes marriage is between one man and one woman but wants to leave any sort of legislation to the state level. see more here
Sactity of Life
Barr/Root - couldn't find any statement
Nader/Gonzalez - couldn't find any statement
Baldwin/Castle - wants to enact Dr. Ron Paul's sanctit of life act sets forth that every unborn child is a person under the constitution. see more here
Obama/Biden - supports roe v. wade, more on women's rights
McCain/Palin - wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the choice to the states, wants to promote adoption, see more here
Education & Homeschooling
Barr/Root - shift control from government to parents. more information
Nader/Gonzalez - believes there is an over emphasis on standardized testing. click here for more information
Baldwin/Castle - wants control of education returned to states, communities and parents. click here for more information
Obama/Biden - wants to reform no child left behind; wants voluntary, universal pre-school because wants to focus on education at younger levels; couldn't find a statement about homeschooling. more...
McCain/Palin - believes parents should have choices in which schools their children attend, more here, one more link I like about his plans for education
Health care
Barr/Root - encourage privitization. see more
Nader/Gonzalez - supports a single-payer health care plan. for more info
Baldwin/Castle - doctors and healt organizations need to answer to the people. for more information
Obama/Biden - reforms to the insurance system in America through regulation. see more
McCain/Palin - value of employer provided insurance shows up as additional income for employees but plans for a $5000 tax credit that off sets that and leaves consumer with more money, see more here
Social Security
Barr/Root - encourage privitization. click here for more info about this and other entitlement programs
Nader/Gonzalez - couldn't find a statement
Baldwin/Castle - couldn't find a statement
Obama/Biden - do not want to raise retirment age, against privitization, more about senior and social security
McCain/Palin - couldn't easily find a statement
Barr/Root - develop natural resources, for more info
Nader/Gonzalez - wants to focus on wind and solar power more here
Baldwin/Castle - couldn't find a statement
Obama/Biden - hybrid cars, 10% from renewable energy by 2012 more here
McCain/Palin - domestic oil, putting money into forms of renewable energy including nuclear, see more
Privacy and Security
Barr/Root - defend free societ and limit goverment scrutiny and access to people's. privacy. more info
Nader/Gonzalez - supports restoration of civil liberties and the repeal of the Patriot Act. more info
Baldwin/Castle - oppose any legislation or executive order that imposes on people's right set out by the 4th and 5th amendment. click here for more info
Obama/Biden - wants to strenghten the privacy and civil liberties board. for more info
McCain/Palin - couldn't find any specific statements to this
Iraq War
Barr/Root - withdrawal without undue delay. more info
Nader/Gonzalez - rapid withdrawal of troops from Iraq, targeted withdrawal of 6 months. more info
Baldwin/Castle - wants to begin the process of safely extracting our troops from Iraq. more info
Obama/Biden - redeploy combat brigades from Iraq within 16 months (summer of 2010), a residual force will remain to conduct target anti-terrorism missions and protect American diplomatic and civilian personnel. more info
McCain/Palin - leading advocate of the “surge” and the counterinsurgency strategy carried out by General David Petraeus. more info
Barr/Root - reduce taxes, reform tax code, fairer and simpler, flat income tax. more info
Nader/Gonzalez - Fair Tax Where the Wealthiest and Corporations Pay their Share; Tax Wealth More than Work; Tax Activities We Dislike More than Necessities. more info
Baldwin/Castle - couldn't find a statment
Obama/Biden - middle class families will see their taxes cut, families making below $250,000 will see no tax increase, no family will pay higher tax rates than they would have in the 90s; more info
McCain/Palin - wants to keep tax rates low. more info
Border Security and Immigration
Barr/Root - borders never fully open, never fully closed; eliminate benefits for illegal immigrants, more than location of birth to determine citizenship. more info
Nader/Gonzalez - raise purchase power to level of 1968, enforce laws against employers, more info
Baldwin/Castle - secure borders, prosecute those who hire illegals, and cut off money supply to illegal. more info
Obama/Biden - make our borders secure, crack down on those who hire illegal immigrants, allow those already here in good standing to pay a fine and apply for citizenship. more info
McCain/Palin - secure our borders, set up program for undocumented to resolve their status, more info
Second Ammendment/Gun Control
Barr/Root - Government should not limit or regulate gun ownership. more info
Nader/Gonzalez - couldn't find a statement
Baldwin/Castle - uphold right of citizens to keep and bear arms. more info
Obama/Biden - couldn't find a statement
McCain/Palin - the right to bear arms is a fundamental right we have a duty to protect. more info
Foreign Policy
Barr/Root - America should not be world's policeman, bring troops home, "American foreign policy should emphasize swift, decisive and winning action against those who vowed would harm us. This means defense, not foreign intervention." more info
Nader/Gonzalez - doesn't say anything specific but talks about israel, tibet, and middle east. more info
Baldwin/Castle - close borders, quite meddling in other countries, wants to preserve an independant free nation. more info
Obama/Biden - willing to meet and talk to the leaders of any nation, increase diplomatic presence. more info
McCain/Palin - couldn't find any specific statements
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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1 comment:
Thanks for posting this. I like what some of the more obscure candidates have to say. I guess we can hope that whoever wins will take some of those ideas into consideration.
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