Thursday, August 21, 2008

Do they look alike?

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This is Charity at 3 months, and here's Danielle at 3 months.
What do you think, do they look alike?
I definitely think they look similar but yet, different!

Now here's a picture of Daddy, and a picture of Mommy as babies.
(These pictures aren't very good cuz I used my cell phone to take a picture of them out of our picture album)
Photobucket Photobucket
What do you think?


SarahAnne said...

Hmmm, I'd say no. The baby on the right (Danille?) has a little bit of a longer face, but it might be the difference in the angles of the pictures. You can tell they are related, but they don't look like twins! ;o)

southernbelleang said...

I think from those pictures, Charity looks more like you and Danielle looks more like Dennis. I see a few similarites between the two of them, but they look different. =) Those are neat pictures. Thanks for posting them.

Kendell said...

I think Charity looks like her daddy!