Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trip to Delta

So, this last weekend we went down to Delta since it was Dennis' birthday last week and one of his neices was having a birthday party. Charity's two cousins on Dennis side actually have birthdays that are a week apart. Last year we went to Paige's birthday at the park so this year we went down for Lexi's birthday party and it was at the bowling alley. So, it was both of the girl's first time bowling. I'm not sure which girl liked it better. lol. But it sure was cute watching them! And then cuz they had so much family around everyone wanted to help them bowl so Dennis and I got to bowl as well. It was a lot of fun. What was really nice though was since we had the bowling alley to ourselves, Charity could run off and play (she really liked to play with the game machines) and we didn't have to constantly be worried about where she was if we couldn't see her. This was the only picture I managed to take at the bowling alley.

In addition to the fun bowling party, Dennis' mom needed her trees trimmed and so he decided to help her out and do it for her. Well, the neighbor saw Dennis up in the tree using the chain saw and he offered to let us use his lift. It made it a lot easier, but made a lot more work since a lot more trees could be reached! Grandpa came over to help as well. Me, I got stuck making sure the kids didn't get into any trouble. But such is the life of the Mom, right?

The Lift

The First Limb to Fall (from using the lift)

A big pile of branches on the ground.

Dennis said the next day muscles hurt he didn't even know he had :) It was a lot of work but he was happy to help his mom!

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